Well, to be honest, I cannot find another set of example. Sunset at the oceanfront without any clouds hovering is the best I guess. I enjoy the time to see the sun goes down perfectly, it's like the see eats the sun.
But not every time we go to the beach, we can see that perfect sunset. Sometimes there are lots of clouds and we cannot see the sunset. I'm not going to the beach so often so when I go, I hope there are no clouds at all.
Anyway, lately, I enjoyed one sunset with my special one. Well by the definition, it is not a perfect sunset. There were some clouds, but I realized one thing. No matter what situation, as long as you enjoyed it with people who matter the most, everything will be so perfectly balanced and harmonized. Seeing the sunset while holdings hands, then enjoying drinks (a.k.a beers) and the food is one of the most romantic evenings of my life.
By the time, I learn that experience is more valuable than things, but loved ones are above all.
Si Cantik & Si Galak - Sunset |
Dinner with Sunset |
Perfection |