Selasa, 17 April 2018

Give Up

There will be many moments in life where we find ourselves want to scream as loud as possible saying that life is sucks. Like super sucks.

Career, finance, family, love-life. It can be sucked sometimes

It is OK to say that. But said it out loud, will never change a thing. Not a single thing.
What will change it is your actions toward the problem.

To be honest, these last two weeks are not my favorite weeks. I have some trouble in work place. I used to be so certain and firm about my career. Always. I know what I want to achieve. The goal is very clear, and I worked my ass off for that. And the company disappointed me. After years and years working my ass off, I feel that they do not treat me fairly. I plan to resign to be honest. This not the first time. I knew how to resign and how to get a job soon. I've experienced it three years ago.

I said to my boyfriend several times this week, that life is sucks, super sucks. But again, he said it to me, saying that out loud won't change anything. What matter is how we turn this inconvenience (shit) for our advantage. Take a deep breath and do not rush it.


I decided to suck it up. For a while. Until I have more bargaining power. I took some step back to review my life and come up with new plan.

Life is suck, generally. Of course it can be beautiful momentarily. But generally, this life is unfair and suck. There is no definite rules saying that if you keep doing good and work very hard then the result will be in line with your expectation. No, it is not. The result is likely of course, but there is no certainty.

It something that we should accept. And do not ever think that we want to give it up. Never. Be a fighter. Who wins thing.

Life is suck, but it will never brings me down.

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