Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017

Poligami dan Si Abang

Recently, sering banget dengar kasus poligami yang menuai drama dan kontroversi.
Terus pas lagi skype tadi malam sama si Abang, iseng-iseng nanya. "Bang, kalau misalkan poligami itu adalah option yang terbuka, Abang mau ga poligami?". Dengan malas-malasan pacar aing yg kadang aneh ini menjawab, "Jangankan poligami, punya satu istri aja aku gamau."

You know, for these almost two years we have been together, never even once I asked question about married. Because my principle is clear, I do not see any point to ask something that I already knew the answer. Well, I responded his answer by laughing quite loud that night.

If being married soon is my expectation from our relationship, this so called relationship between us will never exist from the beginning. I know you quite well.

I can wait for another several years and enjoyed every second in this relationship. So let's see what will happen later!

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