Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

Gods Must be Crazy

Gods must be crazy, aren't they?

Well, last night I watched "God Must be Crazy" movie in Netflix. It's kind of surprising me to see that movie in Netflix catalogue.When I was a kid, I used to watch this movie on TV. Not only one time, but maybe three or four times.

So after I do not know, maybe 7 or 8 years, I watched the movie again last night.
And the movie still made me laugh, big times.Still super funny. And you know what, I realized one thing that I missed when I was a kid, the script is very very good. The dialogue is far from corny. Quite clever dialogues I guess.

My favorite lines are in the beginning of the movie :

"Civilized man refused to adapt himself to his environment; instead, he adapted his environment to suit him. So he built cities, roads, vehicles, machinery, and he put up power lines to run his labor-saving devices. But somehow he didn't know where to stop. The more he improved his surroundings to make life easier, the more complicated he made it. So now his children are sentenced to 10-15 years of school, just to learn how to survive in this complex and hazardous habitat they were born into. And civilized man, who refused to adapt to his surroundings, now finds he has to adapt and re-adapt every hour of the day to his self-created environment."

Damn! It's so deep and true (for some points) as well.

How can we missed that point? I never realize it until yesterday.

We, who called ourselves as modernized, complex, 'so-number-one' creature in this universe, do refuse to adapt to our environment.
Of course, all of that civilization and modernization is essential and good. Health improvements, lower death rate caused by child birth, technology, you name it.

But when we did the civilization and modernization, we refused to think a bit harder about our environment, our surroundings. We didn't want to 'adapt' with them. We built our buildings, our roads, and all of those things, but when we did that we do not care if we have to ruin the environment, if we have to hurt other creatures. 

Animals didn't responsible for the global warming. They didn't responsible for their extinction.
Plants and trees didn't responsible to their own extinction. Nope.
We, human, are fully responsible.
We did deforestation, we are responsible to all of those pollution in this world. We did hunting, fishing, mining with our greedy heart.

We refuse to adapt with the nature. Human are just so self-centered. We want the nature to adapt to us, to our need. Unfortunately nature does not work that way.

Then, we also keep pushing ourselves, our children to live in a stressful environment that we created. Some people lost their appetite to enjoy things. We are too stress since very young age.

Well, if the Bushmen think that those civilized & modernized human being as the Gods in that movie. Then they are right one hundred percents. The Gods must be crazy!

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