Selasa, 20 Maret 2018


I like to criticizing things, I guess..

Anyway, friends of mine have some fishes as their pets in the office. Some of them have small aquariums (literally small, like 15cm x 15 cm) or very small aquariums (like 10 cm x 10 cm). Btw, can I called it aquarium? I do not know what is the standard dimension for legitimate aquarium.

So, they said that they do really love the fishes (golden fish or cupang fish (Betta sp.)). They treat them like real pets, give them names, clean their super little aquariums, give them food, change the water every two days, and etc. etc.

But every time, I go to their desk and see the fishes. It looks stressful. It looks like unhappy actually. They just stay still, not swimming happily regularly (well maybe they cannot swim after all, because it is a very small aquarium).

So I said to my friend, I guess your fish is not happy. And they said, how come, I just give them food and look there are some accessories in that 'super little' (I added the term super little by myself) aquariums.
I replied, how come they can be happy, the aquarium is similar with my Kos in the human world. And there is no internet, Netflix, TV in that small aquarium. How come you expect them to be happy for all of this time.
Imagine, if you live in a small kos, and you cannot go anywhere. 24 hours in your kos. Doing nothing, no television, no friends, no space to breath. Though you have good food (not sure it is a good food, it must be boring to eat the same food all the times), you will never feel happy if you are living in that kind of prison with no interaction with your species.

And you still can assume that they are happy. Naive or you are just that dumb?

That is the basic problem with human in general. For their own ego and happiness, they buy the fish or bird or rabbit or dog or cat or iguana or whatever animal, you call them as your pet, you said you love them, care about them, but you put them in a prison, small cage, never go outside, give them same food every single damn day until the sweet release of death comes after them.

Do you think that animals is emotionless? They can feel a damn. It is ok to treat them whatever you like, and you can just assume that they are happy, just by giving them the same food every single damn day. No, they have emotions, even though not as complex as human. They can feel, they can be stressful. I do not want to have any pet, if I can guarantee to give them a space to breath. If they can run in reasonable space, or if they do not have interaction with other animals. No, because unless we can give it to them, we just put them into life sentence in a prison.

Stop being so naive, use your brain to think. To have empathy for every creatures in this universe. Thing twice, if it is you, do you want to be treated like that?

Again, the mindset is the problem. I always said again and again, never think that human is everything. That everything in this earth can be used only for human's happiness and satisfaction. It's an arrogant mindset, and totally wrong.

Never think like that. Use your brain.

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