Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

Do satisfied, do not satisfied, at the same time

People never getting satisfied..

Yap, they are.

These couple weeks, sometimes there were some points in my life that I felt getting stuck and suck about my study. Those all begin with the meeting with my friends who has been working. They're talk about work, salary, everything that made me felt they are very success and I'm not.

I started to think that maybe, maybe it's a bad decision that I continue my study. I mean, I have a chance to get work last year but I didn't take it because this scholarship, and sometimes I felt how different my life would be if I took that job.

Once, one of my friend, over the conversation in Line told me that there's nothing in my life I need to feel regret. It will turn out to be something good in the future. But you know, remembering the theory is not the same with doing it.

But, also with the meeting with my friends days ago, I learned that they also do not feel satisfied with their job. Today I spent  a half hour to listen my friend complain about her job, how tired she was, and about she didn't have any passion in her job and she thought about quitting the job. Yesterday, I met some of my friends in a restaurant and two of them told us that they also have a plan to resign. It's about getting a better job, about salary, everything. And two other of them told me how lucky I am still studying right now in university, how they missed it and how tired working.

Actually, I do not really get it. I mean, me, who still studying, sometimes when my mind getting sick a little bit,  feel really want to end this, honestly. I really want to have job like them, making big money like them, wearing nice suit to the office with all of the working culture. Sometimes, I feel sick about my book, jeans, sneaker *in my case, crocs actually*, mid test, final test. And they who working now, also do not feel satisfied about their job. Isn't that funny? Yeah, it's just like rumput tetangga selalu kelihatan lebih hijau.

So I conclude that every unsatisfied thing in my mind is so stupid. Actually, it's not as bad as you think. You just see what others have is more interesting that what you have, although it is not totally true. Maybe it's normal that people never getting satisfied about their own life because that's natural and in the bright side, it also push you to keep pursuing better things in your life. If you getting satisfied quickly, maybe you just get enough, just sufficient, not reaching the best.  So I think it's okay if sometimes you a little bit feel unsatisfied about what you have now, but you also must know the limit. The limit is for me, also always remembering to look down sometimes, and then realizing that your life is also incredible. Like sometimes, also change your perspective. Sometimes when you look at it in different direction you will find that your life is not bad at all. Even, you also can feel grateful for your life.

The lesson is, feel thankful everyday for your life, remembering how wonderful it is, and how many people will give anything to have a life like you have, but also, do not feel satisfied with all you have quickly. Give times to your own self to pursue better things that you can have in your live.

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